International Music & Food Festival in IEC
On 4thof June, 2018, IEC successfully organized the international Music & Food Festival in Student Center. The vice dean of IEC, LuoYing and some staff took part in the event with international students.
Traditional food from 6 countries e.g. India, South Africa, and etc, were displayed, and left very deep impression to visitors. All visitors enjoyed the good-tasted food, and got to know the cultures behind food. Meanwhile, students from 8 different countries sang and danced on the same stage, and every song was full of youthful enthusiasm, and every dance showed exotic charm. The audience joined in a chorus of cheers. At last, the IEC staff presented commemorative trophies to popular students who attended the festival.
International food festival of IEC is a traditional cultural event of the school. The festival has a high degree of participation of students. The festival takes cultural food as the carrier, strengthens the exchanges between Chinese and international students, promotes the integration of diverse cultures, and makes Dalian Medical University a happy international family.