The International Students’ Graduation Ceremony
International Students’ Graduation Ceremony was held on the first floor of
the lecture hall at DMU library, where more than 200 people attended the
ceremony, including 86 international graduates from over 18 countries, and 100
parents of DMU international students, leaders of DMU functional departments and
of relevant universities, teaching supervisors, advisors, lecturer
representatives and all faculty of DMU International Education School.
Vice-president Guan Youfei was presented to award international graduates
diploma and degree certificate before turning their tassels, and attendees also
include Dr. Prasit Watanapa, Chairman of the Thai Medical Association, and Dr.
Prasobsri Ungthavorn, Vice Chairman of the Association.
This ceremony is hosted in both Chinese and English, with the Chairman and
Vice Chairman of the Thai Medical Association presented at our invitation. After
the ceremony, a series of celebrations (like the Graduation Opening Day) took
place at the International Education School, with group photo taken to mark this