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Study GuideAcademic Semester At Wuhan University, academic year is divided into two semesters: Spring semester and Fall semester. Usually one semester lasts about 18 weeks, including 2 weeks for review and tests at the end of each semester. Both new academic year and fall semester begin with September. Spring semester begin with February. Summer holiday of Wuhan University starts from the beginning of July which lasts about 8 weeks. Winter holiday is set in accordance with the Chinese Spring Festival. Generally it starts ten days before the Spring Festival and ends ten days after the Spring Festival, which lasts about 4 weeks. Duration of study Master Degree student: two or three years Doctoral Degree student: three years Bachelor Degree student: Four years. (For the specialties of Architecture and Medicine: 5 years) General scholar and advanced scholar: generally 1 year Students can apply for graduation in advance or lengthen their duration of study. Bachelor Degree student: the duration can be prolonged to six years. Advanced study students: the duration can be prolonged to two years. Postgraduates: for details, please read Article 8 and Article 9 in Provisional Regulations of Wuhan University Postgraduates’ Name on the University Roll for reference. Course plan and credit requirements After being enrolled, students should get acquainted with the requirements for credits, courses and curriculum plan of his/her specialty. In principle,foreign students and Chinese students attend class together and follow the same requirements for graduation. 16 academic hours in class equal to 1 credit. Courses at Wuhan University are divided into compulsory course, restricted optional course and general optional course. Compulsory courses are those that students must complete. Restricted optional courses generally are offered by the college itself to be chosen by the students of the college. Students can choose them freely if the total credit requirement is met. General Optional Courses can be chosen freely by all the students of Wuhan University. Students can choose the courses on the catalogue according to their interests. Regarding the type and requirement of each course, different colleges and departments differ. So do consult with staff of teaching affairs in the college to make a rational and effective plan. Graduation Requirements for Undergraduate Students Students are required to complete the prescribed credits and courses according to the teaching plan, and complete thesis or graduation project. Generally 150 credits are required to be completed. Different colleges and departments have different requirements and they all offer consultancy service to students. Students can also consult such questions in Teaching Affairs Office of College of Foreign Students Education. Graduation Requirement for Postgraduates Students are required to complete the prescribed credits, pass the courses listed in education plan and succeed in the thesis defense. Different colleges and departments have different requirements on credits. Students should contact with their supervisors after enrollment on time, choose the courses and complete the thesis with the supervisor’s guidance. Students can consult with the teachers in charge of teaching affairs of the college or the department. Requirements for scholars For the general scholars studying their specialties in the college or the department, they are required to take at least 6 contact hours’ professional courses every week. With the permission of Division of Teaching and Studying Affairs, students can take a maximum of 4 contact hours’ courses of other specialties every week if they complete their specialty courses. The course time, the selection method and the scope of course are the same as undergraduate students. For details, please consult with the teachers in charge of teaching and studying affairs in the college or the department. Those who study in College of Foreign Students Education as general scholars should take courses for at least 20 contact hours per week. Those who miss over one third of total contact hours can not obtain the certificates of further study. Advanced scholars and visiting scholars should contact with their supervisors on time and propose the research plan after enrollment. Advanced scholars can choose some courses relevant to his/her specialty if necessary. Those who are sponsored by scholarships should submit a summary report before their departure. Registration Students should register with student ID card by himself or herself only on prescribed dates every semester. Students must pay for all the tuition fees before the registration. Without the payment invoice, students can’t register. The registration is usually completed within the first week of each semester. Undergraduate students and postgraduates register in College of Foreign Students Education first, and then in the colleges or the departments concerned. General scholars, advanced scholars and visiting scholars register in College of Foreign Students Education. Students should ask for leave if they can not register on time. Those who fail to register on time or ask for leave without proper reasons will be considered as absent from class. Those who fail to register over two weeks without proper reasons will be considered as dropping school automatically. And according to the regulation, Wuhan University will cancel his or her status as student. Course selection Undergraduates and postgraduates should select the courses according to the curriculum design. Scholars can select the courses freely within the scope the courses offered, but they must follow the academic regulations concerned. The course selection dates are generally the weekend before the first week of each semester. Students should go to select courses in the colleges and the departments with the consultation of the teaching staff. Each course has a two-week audition period. Students can inquire, quit or re-select the courses through http://dean.whu.edu.cn (Division of Teaching and Studying Affairs) or http://gs.whu.edu.cn (Graduate School) from the third week. From the 5th week, the university will close the database of the course selection. By then students can make no change on the selected courses. If students quit in the mid of the semester or fail to attend the test, their final record of the course will be ZERO. Undergraduates can only select courses of at most 20 credits each semester including the compulsory courses. Application for more courses requires the authorization of the Dean of the college in charge of teaching and studying affairs or the Director of the department. Attendance Wuhan University takes strict records on contact hours, tests and other academic activities on the teaching schedule. Students should ask for leave if they can not attend these activities. Students who do not attend the class without asking for leave or permission of leave will be considered as absent from class. Corresponding punishments will be carried out by the university. Students who miss over one third of the total contact hours of a course will lose the qualification to take the test of it, and the final record of the course will be ZERO. Students can leave Wuhan for survey and information collection with the permission of the supervisor, the college or the department they study in and College of Foreign Students Education. Asking for leave To serve students better and keep an expedite communication, students who need to ask for leave should keep a record in College of Foreign Students Education in accordance with the regulation of the university. THE PROCEDURES FOR ASKING FOR LEAVE 1. Foreign students can ask for leave directly in the college or the department. The form for leave needs to be filled. Undergraduates and postgraduates can download the form from http://dean.whu.edu.cn (website of the Division of Teaching and Studying Affairs) or http://gs.whu.edu.cn (website of Graduate School) or http://fses.whu.edu.cn (website of College of Foreign Students Education). 2. The form should be sealed with comments by the college or the department which will be kept as records with other relevant materials. 3. Students should make a record after the permission of a leave in College of Foreign Students Education to. Students who need to leave mainland China have to go through Visa for coming back procedures with the form for leave in College of Foreign Students Education. Types of leave Sick leave:Students can not go to class regularly because of diseases. A diagnoses certificate must be issued by doctors. If the student only asks for one-week leave, the leave should be granted by the staff in charge of foreign students in the colleges or the departments. If the student asks for more than one-week leave, the leave should be granted by the leader in charge of foreign students in the colleges or the departments. Without such a grant, the leave would be considered as absence. Compassionate leave:For postgraduates and general scholars, a leave within one week should be granted by the staff in charge of foreign students in the colleges or the departments. A leave for more than one week should be granted by the leaders in the colleges or the departments;For advanced scholars or visiting scholars, they should ask for the leave approval in College of Foreign Students Education after the leave is granted by the colleges or the departments. Undergraduate students should follow the regulations listed in Regulations of Wuhan University Undergraduate Students’ Name on the University Roll. Duration of leave and arrangements concerned 1. Undergraduate students who ask for sick leave for one third of total contact hours should apply for suspending his/her schooling to the colleges or the departments, College of Foreign Students Education and Division of Teaching and Studying Affairs. And then they should return to their own countries for treatment. If they recover, they can resume theirs study at Wuhan University with the diagnoses certificate issued by doctors. If they do not recover to study normally after the treatment when the period for suspension from university expires, they should suspend their schooling. 2. General scholars whose total duration of leave is over one month within one semester will be required to suspend his/her schooling. 3. If the duration of leave of postgraduates and undergraduate students is over one third of total contact hours in one semester without the application for suspending his/her schooling without losing the status as a student, then they will be required to suspend his/her schooling. Examination Foreign students should take the examinations of all the courses they select. If they could not take the examinations or tests for particular reasons, they should ask for leave in a written form and ask for a delayed examination to the teaching and studying office in the colleges or the departments. With such a permission, they can take the examination of next course. Those fail to take the examination without asking for leave or the permission of leave will have record of ZERO for the course. Grading The record of courses at Wuhan University is out of 100. Generally the passing line is 60. For postgraduates, 70 is the passing line for compulsory and optional courses. Students can obtain the credits if they pass the examination. The record of the courses is usually evaluated as qualified and unqualified or passed or non-passed. Attendance, performance in class, homework, quiz in class, midsemester and final examination are all important elements in final marking as final examination is only one part of the record. Regarding the counting of GPA, please read Article 19 in Regulations of Wuhan University Undergraduate Students’ Name on the University Roll for reference. Students must retake the examination of compulsory courses if they fail and apply for retaking the examination of optional courses if they fail. For undergraduate students, they can retake the examination of the same course they fail for two times at most. The record of the last examination will be the final record. INFLUENCES OF EXAMINATIONS AND RECORDS ON DEGREE 1. Foreign undergraduate students who are in second or higher grade fail to achieve over 40% of credits of compulsory and optional courses in each semester will be required to suspend his/her schooling. 2. Foreign undergraduate students who lose over 15 credits after retaking the examination during his/her duration at university will be required to suspend his/her schooling. 3. Bachelor’s Degree will not be conferred by Wuhan University if students have to retake the examination of more than 8 compulsory and optional courses in total (including 8 courses). 4. Postgraduates who fail to pass one compulsory course, or fail to pass one optional course after retaking the examination, or fail to obtain the required credits within the duration of study will be required to suspend his/her schooling. Disciplines of examination Students who cheat or plagiarize in examinations, tests or thesis will be punished strictly in accordance with the regulations concerned at Wuhan University. Undergraduate students and general scholars who cheat in examinations will be recorded a demerit or worse. And the mark of the course will be recorded as ZERO. Moreover, the status as a Bachelor Degree candidate will be cancelled. Those who cheat for two times in examinations will be ordered to drop out of university. Students who take the examinations for others or ask others to take the examination on behalf of himself/herself will be punished to stay at university under surveillance or ordered to drop out of university according to the different cases. Postgraduates who cheat in examinations will be ordered to drop out of university. For details of such regulations, please read Article 20 and Article 63 in Wuhan University Provisional Regulations for Students Management, for reference. Unusual changes of one’s status as student Regarding postgraduates and undergraduate students’ prolongation, suspension of schooling, suspension of schooling without losing the student status, transfer between departments, please read Provisional Regulations of Wuhan University Postgraduates’ Name on the University Roll and Regulations of Wuhan University Undergraduate Students’ Name on the University Roll for reference. The prolongation of schooling and the application for transfer between departments of scholars are dealt with from May and November every year. Students should propose the application first. With the comments of the leaders of the colleges or the departments they study in, College of Foreign Students Education has the final right of the application by taking the academic achievements and performances into account. Those who are permitted to prolong the study have to pay for commission charge of 332 RMB or equal US dollars. They also have to go though the procedures of prolongation of visa on time. Graduation, Course completion and degree Upon the completion of all the courses in the curriculum design, with all the credits required (Postgraduates have to pass the thesis defense), undergraduate students and postgraduates will be conferred a graduation certificate and the corresponding Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree and Doctor’s Degree. Undergraduate students who fail to achieve the prescribed credits within the duration of study will only obtain the certificate for course completion. Such kind of certificate will be conferred to postgraduates who fail to pass the thesis defense. Those who finish one-year study or more will obtain a certificate of studying in university if they drop out of university and go though the procedures concerned to leave. Scholars will obtain a certificate of study upon the completion of the further study plan. Rewards and punishments Rewards and commendations will be bestowed to students who follow disciplines and have outstanding achievements in study. Students who have misbehaviors, such as the violation of disciplines and regulations, absence from classes, damage of the public property, fight and etc. will be given warnings, recorded a demerit, surveilled at university, ordered to drop out of university or dismissed fitting the errors. The surveillance will be removed if students make obvious progress within a year. If students refuse to correct the errors despite the education, they will be ordered to drop out of university. Once the punishments such as surveillance at university or academic dismissal are finalized, they will be not only announced to students themselves but also to their embassies in China, representative agencies, delegate institutions or parents if necessary. Foreign Students who break the law of P.R China will be punished by public security organs in accordance with Chinese law. The university will also make correspondent punishments. Certificates All kinds of certificates are checked, transacted and issued by departments concerned in accordance with relevant regulations. They are important to guarantee students’ normal study and life as well as proper rights. All kinds of certificates should not be forged or altered privately. Or correspondent punishments will be made according to the rules and regulations at Wuhan University and the Chinese law. Student ID card Student ID card will be issued to students after the registration. Student ID card for undergraduate students, postgraduates, general scholars, advanced scholars and Scholar ID card for scholars are issued by College of Foreign Students Education. If students lose their ID card, they should apply for a new one at Teaching and Studying Affairs Office of College of Foreign Students Education. One 2/3 decimeter photo and 30 RMB will be required. The whole process for the reissuing work takes around 5 working days. Student ID card is a very important certificate for foreign student’s identity. Do carry it by yourselves and do not lend it to others. Once it is lost, please apply for a new one on time. Certificate of study Wuhan University can provide a certificate of study for students both in Chinese and English. Foreign Students can apply for the certificate in Teaching and Studying affairs Office of College of Foreign Students Education. 10 RMB will be charged and the whole process for it takes around 5 working days. Transcript Wuhan University will provide students with a general transcript when they graduate or complete all the courses required. If undergraduate students and postgraduates need the copy of transcript, they can go to School of Postgraduates and Division of Teaching and Studying Affairs for it. Scholars who need the copy of transcript should register in College of Foreign Students Education for application. Or they propose the application in a written form to College of Foreign Students Education. The applicants should provide the original or the copy graduation diplomas or certificates of course completion. 10 RMB is charged for each transcript and the whole process for it takes around 5 working days. Procedures for leaving university To finish the study at Wuhan University, foreign students go to College of Foreign Students Education for Form of School-leaving Procedures with the student ID card one week before the departure. Please follow the following procedures: 1. Nullify student ID card. 2. Nullify library card in the library with Form of School-leaving Procedures; 3. Finish all the financial settlement procedures; 4. Students who live in foreign students building at Maple Garden or Foreign students building in Medical College should check off their accommodation in accordance with relevant regulations. 5. Scholars should hand over two 2/3 decimeter photos and 30 RMB to College of Foreign Students Education one week in advance for certification of study. 6. Reception of transcript and Certificate of Degree: Undergraduate students go to the colleges or departments where they study or Division of Teaching and Studying Affairs for transcripts. Postgraduates go to the colleges or departments where they study or School of Postgraduates for transcripts and certificates of Degree. Undergraduate students and postgraduates go to College of Foreign Students Education for other certificates. Other kinds of students go to College of Foreign Students Education for transcripts and others certificates. 7. Foreign students should leave the university within 15 days after they graduate or complete the courses. 8. Those who leave school without completing the leaving procedures will not be provided with the certificate of study, transcript, certifications and etc. |