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Software Engineering

Teaching Medium: English
Degree Awarded: Bachelor's Degree
Entry Requirements: High School Graduate
Duration: 4 Years
Starting Date: Sep.2025
Application Deadline: Aug 31, 2025
Tuition Fee:
CNY 18,800 per year
Application Fee:
150 USD (Non-Refundable)
Schools: Other

Educational Objectives
This program aims to cultivate well-grounded, practical, creative and all-round talents who are well developed in morality, intelligence and physical condition to meet the requirements of the software industry.

Core Courses
C Programming Language,
Chinese Language,
Computer Networks,
Computer Organization,
Data Structures,
Database Theory and Design,
Design and Analysis of Algorithms,
Discrete Mathematics,
Operating Systems,
Software Architecture and Design Patterns,
Software Engineering,
Software Project Management,
Software Requirement Engineering and Modeling,
Software Testing Technology.

Program Outcomes
Students are educated to have good scientific literacy with the fundamental theory and knowledge in software engineering and creative industry. Qualified students can manage the system analysis, development and maintenance of software engineering related projects and have abilities in project organization and management, as well as skills in teamwork, technical innovation and market development.

Duration and Degree

4 years, Bachelor Degree in Engineering

1. Above 18 years old

2. With an educational background comparable to Chinese senior high school education, needed to submit diploma and school record
  1. Certificate of HSK
    Certificate of HSK (only for Chinese-taught programs)
  2. Photocopy of valid passport
    With name, passport number & expiration date, and photo included
  3. Passport photo
    A recent passport-sized photo of the applicant
  4. High school academic transcript
  5. High school graduate certificate
    Graduation certificate in languages other than Chinese or English should be translated into Chinese or English and be certified by notarization.