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Stacy - A Multitalented Space Dreamer
Heyooo everyone! I am Stacy (Anastasiia Skolozdra) but most people know me as an ever-smiling girl who is always there to help. I see my journey at NPU as 3 best years of my life. I am a native Ukrainian but my nomadic spirit landed me in Mongolia several years before coming to NPU and this is where I am right now counting days for an NPU return after pandemic.
Why NPU? I followed my dream! A dream of contributing towards space exploration; I think there is no better place to live that dream than School of Astronautics-NPU, one of the top ranked Astronautic Schools globally. I’m now a 3-year-old NPUer, who once stood here as a scared teenager having fear of unknown but excitation of living a dream.
Life at NPU? Vivid with lots of ups and downs fenced by both happy and sad times. Since very first day, I have joined student clubs, societies and basically tried to grab every opportunity to grow and get experience but most importantly have fun and live a blissful student life. International Students Association (ISA) couldn’t really adjust me on any position so I being that ever-smiling helping girl, helped with organizing & contributing in different events, recruitment drives, article scripting and also volunteered in other cross-department events. I recall joining NPU-MUN team as one crazy challenge for a shy person like me but I dominated the selection & trainings and became a valuable team member to participate in 07 experience-rich conferences at University, Province, National and International level. The hard work and gained experience later lead me to do recruiting and training of both Chinese and foreign team members. I am also very happy to be able to represent my beautiful Ukraine and rich culture at the NPU-Cultural Festival as team lead for two consecutive years.
Beside all this active girl life conquering at extra-curricular activities, I never lost my attention to studies. I keenly treasured all the knowledge given by professors and enjoyed those night-long study sessions with friends in our favorite office in Yun F.
Valuable experiences? While working at International College –NPU in the capacity of student assistant; I was assigned this interesting project, to lead a team in “Cheerleading Competition”. Luckily I had some past dancing experience but it was quite a challenge to prepare and lead the team for a competition. But despite having all the challenge of short time, lack of team members and thousands other obstacles we managed to not only participate but win the Second Prize. I am also happy to be the face of NPU at various platforms & promotional videos and also helping with recruitment of new students as part of NPU Social Media Team last year. I was also honored with the Pioneer Award for the most Outstanding Students in 2019. I am really thankful for this recognition from NPU and I hope to contribute more towards growth and future of NPU.
I must also highlight the incredible people I’ve met at NPU in particular and in China in general. Throughout the past 9 months being away from NPU, I still feel their love and support.
Any message? Well, There are always merits and demerits of every place but I love the immense number of opportunities available at NPU, the freedom we have to flourish and kind-hearted people we are surrounded with. I ask all current and future students to enjoy every single moment of youth and cherish every opportunity you get. We only live once and making it count is on your shoulders. Be kind, supportive, open-minded and brave because this is going to be one crazy adventure.
Hope to meet all of you very soon!
Source: NPU |