Acupuncture is one of the important components in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has the advantages of simplicity and efficiency, thus being suitable for self medication and traveling. The lectures involve diagnostic methods and treatment applied by the specialists for diseases such as wind stroke, diabetes, Bi-syndromes, headache, insomnia, fatigue syndrome, sports injuries, and digestive, neurotic and so on. Clinical application of empirical prescriptions and points, special manipulation techniques, fire needle therapy, scalp acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, eye acupuncture will be introduced 1.Photocopy of valid passport
With photo, passport number &expiration date and name included. 2.Passport-sized photo A passport-sized photo taken recently of the applicant. 3.Graducation Certificate of High school Graduation Certificate should be in English or Chinese, if not,it should be translated into English or Chinese and be notarized |