On the afternoon of June 3, Prof. Zhou Jialun, Chairman of the University Council, and Vice President Dong Qi met with Mr. Peter Löscher, President and CEO of Siemens AG, and his delegation. During the meeting, both sides discussed about the cooperation possibilities in the future. Prof. Zhou Jialun expressed his appreciation of Siemens’ long term commitment to educational programs in China and his hope of developing some new cooperation projects such as “Tongji-Siemens Sustainable Classroom”, “Tongji-Siemens Summer School”, “Siemens Day” as well as more internship positions provided by Siemens.

After the meeting, an awarding ceremony of honorary professorship on Mr. L Löscher was held in CDHK. Prof. Zhou Jialun awarded him the certificate of honorary professorship of Tongji University and put on him the university badge. This honorable title highly recognizes Siemens’ century long partnership with Tongji University to foster innovation and talent development. It is meanwhile another clear sign of Tongji’s strong commitment to the technological and research cooperation with leading companies in the world. After the awarding ceremony, Mr. Löscher, as the Honorary Professor of Tongji University, delivered his first key-note speech to around 200 professors and students on the topic of “Innovation and Partnership”, which was also the 20th speech of the activity “Master Forum” of Tongji University.