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Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health

Teaching Medium: English
Degree Awarded: Master's Degree
Entry Requirements: Bachelor's Degree
Duration: 3 Years
Starting Date: Sep.2025
Application Deadline: Jul 31, 2025
Tuition Fee:
CNY 40,000 per year
Application Fee:
150 USD (Non-Refundable)
Schools: Other

Program Description

Children Health  is a science to protect and promote children's physical and mental health, and is an important part of preventive medicine. Through this course, students can master the relevant theories of human growth and development (including the laws of growth and development, influencing factors and childhood and adolescent mental health), as well as the basic health requirements of educational process health, teaching environment, monitoring of the health status of children and prevention of common diseases. In the future, it will lay a necessary foundation for solving practical problems in child and adolescent health, maternal and child health care and school health work.

Mother and Child Care is based on women and children and centers on health care. It aims at the physiological, psychological, social characteristics and health requirements of women and children in different periods (fetal, infant, infantile, early school age, puberty, childbearing, birth, birth, and older), as well as the health of women and children. Health services, social environment, natural environment and genetic factors, such as the comprehensive use of preventive medicine, clinical medicine, psychology, sociology, management and other disciplines of knowledge and technology to protect and promote the health of women and children new disciplines. Through this course, students can master basic knowledge of maternal and child health care and standardized health care skills, and analyze problems and  abilities.


3 years 


40000/per year

1. Non-Chinese citizen

2. Under 40 years old

3. Hold Bachelor Degree

4. Be in good health

5. Non-criminal record

1. Photocopy of valid passport

With name, passport number & expiration date, and photo included.


2.Passport-sized photo
A recent passport-sized photo of the applicant.


3. Bachelor's degree diploma

Graduation certificate should be in Chinese or English. If not, it should be translated into Chinese or English and be notarized.


4. Transcript of undergraduate school

Transcript should be in Chinese or English. If not, it should be translated into Chinese or English and be notarized.


5. Two letters of recommendation
From professor or associate professor or equivalents.