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Clinical Medicine

Teaching Medium: Chinese
Degree Awarded: Bachelor's Degree
Entry Requirements: High School Graduate
Duration: 6 Years
Starting Date: Aug.2025
Application Deadline: Apr 30, 2025
Tuition Fee:
CNY 45,000 per year
Application Fee:
250 USD (Non-Refundable)
HSK: Level 6
Schools: Other

1. Duration:

6 years (internship in the sixth year)

2. Application date:

December 1 to April 30

3. Tuition fee:

45000 RMB per year (around 7350 USD)

4. The main subjects:

Mathematics                                   Pharmacology

Physics                                           Diagnostic medicine

Inorganic Chemistry                      Internal Medicine

Organic Chemistry                         Surgery

Biology                                           Obstetrics and Gynecology

Human Anatomy                             Pediatrics

Histology and Embryology             Infectious Diseases

Physiology                                      Neurology

Biochemistry                                   Psychiatry

Microbiology                                  Ophthalmology

Immunology                                   Otolaryngology

Pathology                                        Dermatology

Forensic Medicine                          Internship in the sixth year

5.General Knowledge Examinations & HSK

Applicants for undergraduate education are required to take the General
Knowledge Examinations (Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry) for foreign
students given by PUHSC and the Chinese Language Proficiency Test (HSK)
given by Ministry of Education, China. The General Knowledge Examination
is given in May at our Foreign Student Offce.
Students  applying for undergraduate study are required to achieve a score
of 180 or above in the General Knowledge Examination and HSK Level 6.

Applicants intending to attend Chinese Language study should apply for the Preparatory Program at the center one year prior to their
intended program.

1. High school graduates (12 years education),under 30 years old
2. Photocopy of graduation certificate

3. Official school transcripts (Translated into Chinese or English)

4. Identification document

5. Financial statement (In Chinese or English)

1. Resume /Currculum Vitae,

2. Diploma/Certificate of Schooling,

3. Offcial Transcripts,

4. Notarized copy of Identification document,

5. Financial Statement Certification,

4. Medical Fitness Certificate including heoatic function and heoatitis B virus(HBV) test results .