9 steps Tai Chi
The 9 steps simplified Yang style Tai Chi forms was created by the Beijing San Feng Tai Chi club exclusively for the beginners and the one who’s willing to experience it. It contains only 9 moves selected from the 108 steps Yang style old form tai chi. The gestures are easy and quick to learn and memorize. Practitioners could have a basic understanding on this profound study that how it can maintain our health and improve the general wellbeing state.
Health Qi Gong Ba Duan Jin
The Ba Duan Jin Qi Gong, sometime translated as Eight Brocade Section Qigong, is believed to promote health and longevity for both young and old. It is an excellent addition to your daily regimen. Daily practice of Ba Duan Jin Qi Gong is a 1,500 year old tradition for Ch'an (Zen) and martial monks at Shaolin Buddhist Temple, Henan China. Developed over generations, the movements are soft and akin to reeling silk. Each of the eight movements activates and benefits its respective meridian and internal organ.
Day 1: 9 steps tai chi form (PartⅠ)
Day 2: 9 steps tai chi form (PartⅡ)
Day 3: 8 section brocade health Qigong
Total price: RMB1500 Note: group price is negotiable