Download the detailed information of Chinese Version of Insurance Package Three and the English Version of Insurance Package Three here.
To participate in conditions:
Students: students for whom from China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and overseas Chinese students (overseas Chinese can provide relevant certificate which issued by units concerned), are all in healthy condition and holding a student identity card can take part in this insurance certificate.
Insurance liability
In this contract during the period of insurance (from the insurance effective date till expiration date), our company in accordance with the agreement shall bear the insurance liability of the following:
1.Death Insurance liability caused by accidents, illnesses
Insured Death which caused by accident injure or disease after the waiting period of this contract , the company will pay insurance amount stated in this insurance contract according to the policy, therefore the insurance liability of the insured shall be terminated.
The insured in the waiting period of this contract due to disease death, the company shall return insurance premium (without interest) paid by the insured, therefore the insurance liability of the insured shall be terminated.
The waiting period shall be determined and stated clearly on the insurance contract between insurant and insurance company.
2. Accidental disability insurance responsibility
(1) The insured suffers accident harm and by which caused physical disability within one hundred and eighty days from the date since the accident happened, the company will pay disability insurance fees according to the regulation of the personal insurance disable assess standard and the attached contract of insurance amount multiplied by insurance amount paying proportion refer to disability grade.
For two or more disabilities by the same insurance accident, the company will only pay insurance fees according to one disability grade. If disability grade for every injure is not completely same and if the heaviest disability grade is only one place, the company will pay insurance fees according to the insurance amount paying proportion refer to the heaviest disability grade; if disability grade for every injure is completely same and there are two or more disabilities refer to the heaviest disability grade, the company will upgrade disability grade by one level (the highest upgrade will be the first grade), and will pay insurance fees according to the paying proportion of the upgraded disability grade. For same part and nature disability, it is not able to be assessed by using two or more provisions or more than twice for same provisions according to standard articles.
(2) The insurance compensation paying by our company will be limited to insurance amount, which are paid by one time or accumulation reaching to the agreed amount subject to this additional contract, the insurance responsibility for the insured will be terminated.
3.disorders hospitalization and outpatient insurance liability
During the period of this additional insurance contract, the insured pays medical expenses due to disease, the company will assume insurance responsibility according to the following provisions:
(1)Expense compensation responsibility of Ordinary outpatient (urgent) medical treatment
The insured paid medical expenses one or more times due to ordinary outpatient (urgent) medical treatment in the secondary or higher grade medical institution ( including secondary medical institution), the company will pay medical compensation due to ordinary outpatient (urgent) medical treatment according the agreed proportion of this additional contract. Daily medical expense is limited to RMB600, the insurance company will pay by 85% for exceeding RMB 400( starting line) by accumulation on the day sum limit basis, total accumulative payment will be limited to RMB20000. The insurance responsibility will be terminated when the medical expense compensation to the insured reaching the insurance limit amount by one time or more times accumulative payment.
Relevant policy requirements
Dosage: acute disease 3 days, chronic diseases 7 days; Daily sum Limit: the maximum cost for daily.
Starting line: RMB400 as payment starting line for this insurance, less than this amount will not be paid.
(2)Expense compensation responsibility for hospital medical treatment
The insured paid hospital medical expenses one or more times in the secondary or higher grade medical institution ( including secondary medical institution), hereby the hospital medical expenses refer to reasonable medical treatment expenses which including examination and inspection fees, examination and treatment fees, operation fees, medicine fees, test fees, emission fees, etc, the company will pay medical compensation according to the agreed proportion stated in the insurance contract. The insurance responsibility will be terminated when the medical expense compensation to the insured reaching the hospitalization insurance amount by one time or more times accumulative payment.
(3)Medical expenses compensation responsibility of outpatient service serious illnesses
The insured paid outpatient service serious illnesses medical expenses one or more times in the secondary or higher grade medical institution ( including secondary medical institution), the company will pay medical compensation according to the agreed proportion stated in the insurance contract. The insurance responsibility will be terminated when the medical expense compensation to the insured reaching to the outpatient service serious illnesses insurance amount by one time or more times accumulative payment.
The insured’s treatment extended to the expiration of the insurance contract, the company will continue to assume insurance responsibility agreed by insurance period, beginning from the day following the insurance expired date: For ordinary outpatient (urgent) medical treatment, outpatient treatment of a serious illness, it won’t exceed 15 days for the longest time; hospitalization treatment will be terminated till the insured discharges from the hospital, but the longest time do not exceed ninety days.
The insured experienced the insurance major diseases or chronic diseases before this insurance, the underwriter does not assume paying insurance compensation liability.
(1)All medical institutions involved in this medical liability is limited to the public hospitals which located in the mainland of the People's Republic of China, but does not include below medical expenses which caused by the medical treatment of the branch of public hospitals, foreign guests’ ward, VIP ward, compartment, private rooms, single rooms, special clinic special ward, special hospital wards and senior officials inpatient ward and so on ward of similar.
(2)Above all medical costs incurred in this medical liability is only limited to the program and medical treatment expenses conforming to the stipulations of the local social primary medical treatment insurance ,self-expense and part of the self-expense projects cannot be reimbursed.
(3)For the insured which is the first time to insure or non-continuous insurance, it is called waiting period (observation period) since the date of insurance till 30 days, the company will not assume compensation responsibility if hospitalization or out-patient treatment occurred within this waiting period.
For the insured with continuous insurance or suffering an accident treatment, the company will assume compensation responsibility without waiting period.
(4) Above all medical expenses, if other party paid parts or all medical expenses, the company will only pay the rest expenses which are within the reasonable paying scope confirming to the local social medical insurance. But the bed fees, care fees and so on limited fees which mentioned in this insurance liability will be limited accordingly , such as if the third party has a limited part of the compensation ratio according to the limited amount on the basis of deducting compensation amount, we only pay the remaining amount, if no compensation ratio, limited part in accordance with the standards of local social medical insurance, on the basis of limited amount to be deducted from standard amount of this program, to pay the remaining amount, and subject to the insured amount.
4. Accidental Outpatient service and accidental hospitalization insurance responsibility
During the period of this additional insurance contract, the insured suffers an accident harm, and of which accepts the medical treatment in the second class or above level hospital or other medical institution recognized by the company, the company will pay medical compensation for every medical treatment expenses caused by accident injure and of which is real paid according to the agreed proportion stated in this contract. Medical insurance deductibles and payment proportion, shall be determined and clearly stated in the insurance contract by the insured and the insurance company.
The insured’s medical treatment extends to the expiration of the insurance, unless otherwise stated, the company continues to be liable to assume medical insurance time limit. Outpatient service treatment will be subject to 15 days from the date following the insurance contract expiration, the hospitalization treatment will be limited to 90 days from the day following the insurance contract expired.
The medical compensation will be limited according to the stated insurance amount subject to this additional insurance contract, the insurance responsibility will be terminated when the medical expense compensation to the insured reaching to the agreed medical insurance amount by one time or more times accumulative payment.
5. Air accidental death and disability insurance responsibility
During this insurance contract, the insured suffers accident harm by driving or taking transportation vehicles agreed by this insurance contract, the company will pay insurance amount according to below agreement:
(1)Death insurance compensation
The insured died caused by this air accidental harm since the accidental harm happened till 180 days, the company will pay death insurance compensation by deducting disability and burning compensation which has been arranged to the insured according to the relevant vehicles insurance compensation amount agreed by this contract, the insurance responsibility is also terminated.
(2) Disability insurance compensation
The insured disabled caused by this air accidental harm since the accidental harm happened till 180 days, the company will determine the degree of disability according to “road traffic accident injured disability assessment (GB 18667-2002)” (announced by the state administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine, the national standardization management committee, a statement No.4 in 2002 (Total No.40) approved by the national standard of the People's Republic of China ) and according to the regulation of the degree of disability assessed to the injured of the road traffic accident and the insurance compensation paying ratio, the company will pay disability insurance compensation according to corresponding transportation insurance amount multiplied by the disability insurance payment proportion agreed by this insurance contract, but the total accumulative paying compensation will be limited to the corresponding transportation insurance amount agreed of this contract.
The insured has more than one physical disability caused by the same accident harm, the company will pay the sum of the corresponding disability insurance. But if different disability projects belong to the same segment, the company will only pay one disability insurance; if corresponding payment proportion of the disability projects is not same, the company will only pay a higher percentage of disability insurance.
(3)Burn injure compensation
The insured caused Ⅲ degree burns due to this accident since the accident happened till ninety days, the company according to the regulation of the accidental burns insurance compensation ratio, will pay the burn injure insurance compensation according to the corresponding transportation insurance compensation amount of this contract and the proportion of payment corresponding to this burn injure, but the total accumulative payment amount will be limited to the corresponding transportation insurance amount of this contract.
The company’s compensation amount is limited to the sum of the foregoing insurance amount and the corresponding transportation insurance amount agreed of this contract, the insurance responsibility will be terminated when the insurance compensation amount paying by one time or accumulation reaching to the insurance amount of the corresponding transportation insurance amount.
Liability exemption
1、 Death and disability liability exemption
The company won’t assume insurance compensation liability due to below reasons which causing the insured death and disabled;
(1)The insurance policy, in particular, the company does not assume liability insurance matters;
(2)The Applicant intentionally injures or murders the Insured;
(3)The Insured intentionally commits any crime or resists criminal coercive measures taken lawfully;
(4)The Insured commits suicide or intentionally injures himself/herself, unless the Insured is a person having no capacity for civil conduct when doing so;
(5)The Insured becomes fight or drunk or abuses drugs;
(6)The Insured drives under the influence of alcohol or without valid driving license or drives any motor vehicle without valid vehicle registration certificate;
(7)The Insured participates in highly risky sports including without limitation underwater diving, sky diving, rock climbing, gliding or paragliding, adventures, wrestling, martial arts match, stunt show, horse racing, and motor vehicle competition;
(8)Prenatal examination, postpartum examination, pregnancy (including ectopic pregnancy), abortion (including artificial abortion), childbirth (including caesarean birth), contraception, surgical sterilization, treatment on sterility, and complications caused by above reasons;
(9)The Insured takes or uses medicine without following doctor’s advice, excluding non-prescription medicine taken by the Insured in accordance with the instruction;
(10)Genetic disease of the insured, congenital malformation, deformation or chromosomal abnormality;
(11)The Insured suffers mental disorder and/or behavior disorder;
(12)War, military conflict, riot or armed rebellion;
(13)Nuclear explosion, nuclear radiation or nuclear pollution;
(14)The insured’s accidental death in outside mainland China region;
(15)The insured’s medical accident caused by plastic surgery, or the other medical or surgery operations.
Any above situation occurred which lead to the insured to be death and disabled, the insurance liability of the insured shall be terminated. The company will return the cash value of the insurance contract if the insured doesn’t happen any insurance compensation activity; but if the insured’s death causing by intentionally killed or harm of the insurant, the company to return the cash value of this contract, as the insured heritage; if insurance compensation has occurred, the company won’t refund the cash value of the insurance.
2、Exemption for Medical Treatment Liability (Accidental medical liability, Medical Treatment Liability of Outpatient, Emergency and Inpatient)
The company shall be exempted from the insurance liabilities for the insured caused by any of the following circumstances.
(1)Diseases specially mentioned not subject to insurance responsibility;
(2)Unrecoverd disease which happened before the validity of this additional insurance contract;
(3)The intentionally kill or injure to the insured from the insurant;
(4)The insured intentional commits a crime or resists the criminal compulsory measures in accordance with the law; the insured intentionally commits suicide, or deliberately self-injury, but except for below situation if the insured who belong to persons without capacity of civil conduct while the insured commits suicide, or deliberately self-injure;
(5)The insured fights, drunk, taking, or injecting drugs;
(6)The insured is drunk driving or driving without a valid driver's license or driving without a valid registration of motor vehicles;
(7)War, military conflicts, riot or armed rebellion;
(8)Nuclear explosion, nuclear radiation or nuclear pollution;
(9)The insured suffers from AIDS or infected with HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases;
(10)The insured has genetic diseases, congenital anomaly, deformation or chromosomal abnormalities, anamnesis (suffers from disease or the existing symptoms prior to the insurance, discontinuity during the period of insurance);
(11)The insured is doing teeth care and teeth repair including teeth cleaning, teeth whitening, teeth orthodontic, porcelain teeth, dental implant and denture fitted, etc;
(12)The corrective surgery or transsexual operation of the insured;
(13)Medical accidents caused by plastic surgery or other internal or surgery operation of the insured;
(14)The insured has some disease complications causing by prenatal postpartum examination, pregnancy (including ectopic pregnancy), miscarriage (abortion), accouchement (including cesarean section), contraception, sterilization, medical treatment for infertility, artificial insemination and etc;
(15)The insured does health check (physical examination), rehabilitation, rest-treatment or special care;
(16)he insured is not following doctor’s advice, or self taking, smearing or injecting medicine;
(17)The insured’s medical expenses are occurred in the private hospital or drugstores which happened within the mainland of China or outside of the mainland of China;
(18)The insured takes part in below activities, such as diving, sky diving, rock climbing, adventure and martial arts game, wrestling, stunt, riskier movement, horse racing, car racing and etc;
(19)The expense is occurred due to the insured taking trial treatment in the hospital and for the purpose of medical experiments;
(20)The insured is taken medical treatment in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao or outside China.
Insurance Liabilities
RMB Insurance
Amount (Yuan) RMB
Age 6-60
(International Student)
Insurance Premium
Death +accidental disability
1000 ( ≈USD 160 )
Disease outpatient service( accumulatively deductible insurance RMB400, compensation ratio:85%, daily expense limit RMB600)
Outpatient service and hospitalization caused by accidents
The aviation accident insurance
Note: Unaccomplished matters will be executed according to " life insurance of students and children term life insurance paragraph (A) ", "additional life insurance of student and children disability and accident injury insurance (2013 edition)", "additional life insurance of supplementary medical insurance of the student", "additional life insurance of students and children accident injury compensation medical insurance (A)" and “ life Tongtai insurance of traffic accident injure insurance(A)(2013 Edition)”
Any controversy about the above content, please refer to our Chinese explanation.