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Dental Surgery(B.D.S)

Teaching Medium: Chinese
Degree Awarded: Bachelor's Degree
Entry Requirements: High School Graduate
Duration: 5 Years
Starting Date: Sep.2025
Application Deadline: Aug 29, 2025
Tuition Fee:
CNY 10,000 per year
Application Fee:
150 USD (Non-Refundable)
Schools: Other

Duration: 5 Years (4 Years Study + 1 Year Internship)

Courses: Anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, medical microbiology, diagnostics, internal medicine, surgery, oral anatomy and physiology, oral tissue pathology, oral medicine (dental endodontics, dental weeks Diseases) Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics, Orthodontics

1. Within the age of 16---45

2. Healthy

1. Notes of Foreigner’s Body Examination (Offer the duplication and self photo needed on the form)

2. The original and translated text of non-criminal by the country you lived

3. School report card of the highest academic (duplication)

4. Self-resume 

5. The highest academic certification (duplication)

6. Passport duplication 

7. 8 photos recently (the same norms as passport)