Student Comments

Monyomi Olofin
In Jiangsu University I have met beautiful people, tried chinese food and am really learning how to speak chinese, within the short period from arrival, its been a wonderful experience. For me, the journey begins, to learn, explore new things China and Jiangsu university has to offer in other to attain more education and insights.>> Read more

I `ve always dreamed of leaving Texas, just as my family left Europe. Since childhood, I dreamed of being in China, With strong determination, I aimed for
various advanced placement courses and persued rigorous extracurricular activities as debate and literary criticism.My experience so far with SICAS has been tremendous. My advisor, Devin, was extremely helpful in telling me about the process.>> Read more
My name is Nelly and I`m from Ghana. I first came to China in March, 3rd, 2013 to pursue my Bachelor`s Degree in International Economy & Trade from
Jiangsu University in Zhenjiang, China. My studying experience in Jiangsu University has never been better than before. Most of the classes are taught in English. There is no difficulty for me to understanding. The professors always encourage us to ask questions, even to the point of meeting outside of class hours.>> Read more