(1) Off-campus lodging
According to the Chinese law, if you choose to lodge out of campus (though it is not recommended to do so), you have to go to the local police station or other authorized units, with a copy of your passport and a copy of the housing rental contract, to process temporary residence registration within 24 hours after settling down therein. Otherwise, you will be fined (500-5000 yuan/day).
Students lodging outside campus have to provide the International Office with the receipt of temporary residence registration and a copy of the housing rental contract and to fill out the off-campus lodging registration form at the International Office.
You must sign a legally-binding rental contract with the landlord; otherwise you will probably get into trouble because of illegal residence.
If the address of off-campus lodging changes, please apply to the police station of the new address for registration of temporary lodging within 24 hours and inform the International Office in time.
(2) Campus lodging
The Foreign Student Apartment provides campus lodging for foreign students. To lodge within the campus will help you know better schoolmates from other countries, and the campus provides you a good environment and atmosphere for your study and life.
The Foreign Student Apartment provides all kinds of necessary facilities like network, telephone, water heater, air conditioner, microwave oven, refrigerator, induction cooker, washing machine and dryer. Public service is provided for laundry at 3 yuan/tub and clothes drying at 1 yuan/hour. There is a canteen, grocery, cold-drink pub and printing room mainly on the 1st and 2nd floors of Juyuan Canteen near the Foreign Student Apartment.
Use of the phone in the room: The phone is mainly used to answer calls and a phone card is needed to make calls. 202-card is mainly used to make domestic calls. If you need to make international calls, it is better to use a 17900IP card, which can be bought at the door of Xiaoyuan Canteen at a price lower than outside campus or from the newsstand opposite the school entrance. It helps offer convenient and economical calls. For the usage of 17900IP card, please refer to description on the back of the card.

8:00-23:00 is the visit hours in the Foreign Student Apartment and visitors thereto have to fill out on arrival the visit form with the basic information and note down the time on leave at the antechamber. No outsider is allowed to stay overnight in the apartment, otherwise the host will be punished accordingly for violation.
Foreign students live in the apartment should observe CTBU Administration Regulations of Foreign Student Apartment, for example, it is forbidden to use flame (eg candle) indoors and to allow others to stay overnight therein.
Accommodation Fees
Fee (RMB)
Dormitory Fee
600 Yuan/Month
Water and electricity will be charged according to rates.
Dormitory Deposit
600 Yuan
Refundable proved no property is damaged upon leaving
Medical Check
337 Yuan
Charged by CQ Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau
Residence Permit Fee
400 Yuan/Year
Charged by the Entry and Exit Admin Bureau of CQ
Internet ID
50 Yuan
Cost varies according to actual use