Our EventsAlumni sharingWe invite outstanding alumni from different industries to talk about working conditions and career planning within the industry. Employer forumWe invite some experienced employer professionals that can support with career options. students & alumni can get hints and tips on how to plan the further study and career path. Get-togetherIt attracts alumni members from all over the globe to renew their bond with their parent university friends in different places.
MayFest“Mini-Sport-Day” —— Rediscover University and recall the university’s life.
Internship Storyaims to help UNNCers establish a better understanding towards internship, career planning and even life planning, through interviewing with senior students who experienced professional internships. Career StoryShare the alumni’s real career story with students who are choosing their first careers or are changing careers.The career story can provide realistic information about the occupation. Graduation Ceremony