Wuhan is an important center for economy, trade, finance, transportation, information technology, and education
in Central China. Its major industries includes optic electronic, automobile manufacturing, steel manufacturing,
new pharmaceutical sector, biology engineering, new materials industry and environmental protection. At the
same time Wuhan has formed a comprehensive scientific and educational strength ranking the third in China
with its main force: three national development zones and four scientific and technologic development parks as
well as numerous enterprise incubators, over 350 research institutes, 1470 hitech enterprises, and over 400,000
experts and technicians.Wuhan ranks third in China in overall strength of science and technology.
Strong economic strength
Wuhan is one of the cities with the most competitive force for domestic trade in China. Wuhan, close next to Shanghai,
Beijing, and Guangzhou in its volume of retail, is among the top list of China's metropolises. Wuhan Department Store,
Zhongshang Company, Hanyang Department Store, and Central Department Store enjoy highest reputation and are
Wuhan's four major commercial enterprises and listed companies. Hanzhengjie Small Commodities Market has been
prosperous for hundreds of years and enjoys a worldwide reputation.In recent years, some world famous commercial
giants such as Walmart, Metro, and Carrefour all set up branches in Wuhan, and bring about more prosperity and
stronger force of radiation.
Wuhan East Lake High-Tech Development Zone
Wuhan East Lake High-Tech Development Zone is a national
level high-tech development zone.Opticalelectronics, telecommuni
cations, and equipment manufacturing are the core industries of
Wuhan East Lake High-Tech Development Zone (ELHTZ) while
software outsourcing and electronics are also encouraged. ELHTZ
is China's largest productioncentre for optical- electronic products
with key players like Changfei Fiber-optical Cables (the largest fiber
optical cable maker in China), Fenghuo Telecommunications an
Wuhan Research Institute of Post and Telecommunications (the
largest research institute in optical telecommunications in China).
Wuhan ELHTZ also represents the development centre for China's laser industry with key players such as HUST
Technologies and Chutian Laser being based in the zone.
Rich employment opportunities
Wuhan"s rapid growing economy provides rich employment opportunities to the talents all over the world. As the center
for economy, trade, finance, transportation, information technology, and education in Central China, Wuhan gets
development in an all around way which provides a platform to all fields of talents. At he same time, the fast development
accelerates the education development of Wuhan, which make you enjoy the world -class education. As the scientific and
educational center in Central China, Wuhan owns 35 higher educational institutions such as Wuhan University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology, which cover all the fields of science and technology and employ elites
and explorers in these fields.
Notable people
There is an old saying "People are supported by the land where they live ". In such a city of full of the spirit, Wuhan fosters
a lot of successful persons who are active and successful in many fields. We can make them as our models and learn
form them. For example:
Wu Yi — (name in Chinese: 吴仪), former Vice-Premier and Minister Of Health of the People's Republic of China
Li Na — (name in Chinese: 李娜), woman tennis player, Champion of the French Open 2011
Liu Yifei— (name in Chinese: 刘亦菲), famous actress modulding many impressive figures
Dong Hongyou—(name in Chinese: 董宏猷), famous writer
Wu Yi Li Na
Liu Yifei Dong Hongyou