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Chinese, Egyptian Leaders Vow to Deepen Co-operation

Views:651 Time:12/31/2013 12:00:00 AM

Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Egyptian counterpart Mohamed Morsi meet on the sidelines of the fifth leaders' summit of BRICS countries held in Durban, South Africa

DURBAN, South Africa - Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Egyptian counterpart Mohamed Morsi agreed in Durban to move forward their strategic cooperative relations.

China accords great importance to Egypt's status and influence as a major Arab, Islamic and developing state, and cherishes the bilateral traditional friendship, Xi told Morsi during a meeting on the sidelines of the fifth leaders' summit of BRICS countries held in Durban, South Africa.

Xi said China is glad to see the positive progress made by Egypt in its transformation process and fully understands the temporary difficulties facing the Arab nation, adding that China is ready to continue its aid to Egypt within its capabilities.

The Chinese leader calls for advancing bilateral cooperation in the key areas such as trade, investment, and people-to-people exchanges, and for efforts from both sides to ensure the success of the Suez trade cooperation project.

He expressed the belief that Egypt's national development will make new progress and as will the China-Egypt strategic cooperative relationship.

For his part, Morsi said Egypt appreciates China's understanding and support, and hopes to maintain the bilateral high-level contact, speed up trade and economic cooperation, and strengthen the strategic cooperation between the two nations.

He said Egypt would take effective measures to guarantee the safety of Chinese tourists.

On the Syria crisis, Xi said a political solution is the only way out and he hopes that all parties of Syria would pursue a solution to issues concerning political transition as soon as possible.

China always maintains an objective and just position on the issue and will respect and support any solution plan that is universally accepted by all sides of the conflict, he said.

Morsi said Egypt hopes for an early end to the Syria crisis and attaches great importance to China's positive role in solving the issue.

Sauce: Chinadaily

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