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If you want to study in China, come to SICAS

Views:656 Time:11/6/2024 12:00:00 AM

1.About SICAS

Get to Know SICAS

SICAS –Study In China Admission System is an efficient, accurate and safe authorized online platform to help international students directly get admissions into China universities and colleges.

Established to help international students study in China, SICAS is the platform authorized by the largest number of China’s universities to help international applicants directly get admissions for studying in China with the fastest speed. You can easily get all the most useful information for free on our website to study in china .If you can not get the information you need, please feel free to contact us at

What SICAS does

1. Offer the most efficient, accurate and safe online application platform for China’s universities to process international students’ applications from all over the world. 

2. Provide professional advice and support on studying in China for each individual. 

3. Update universities’ latest information of enrollment and studying in China for international students.

SICAS One-stop Service Guarantee

1. 24/7 consultation, one day response!

2. Three-step online application, success or money back!

3. Admission Tracking, Admission delivery, and Accommodation Booking, all in “My SICAS” Account!

4. The most economic Green Channel to Study in China's Universities in the world!

Who Authorizes SICAS

1. As a service provider, SICAS has a broad cooperation with China’s universities. Until now, SICAS has been authorized by more than 300 universities and colleges and the number is still growing every day.

2. Since we were established on the basis of the invitations and authorizations of China’s universities, they usually give priority to applications sent through our platform and offer the fastest admissions to our applicants.


Authorizations of China's Universities to SICAS

Authorizations of China's Universities to SICAS

2.SICAS has been officially recognized by the senior officers and ambassadors of many countries and designated as the official cooperation partner.


H.E.President of the Republic of Zimbabwe

H.E. Mr.Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, president of the Republic of Zimbabwe with Ms. Zhang Lu, the founder, CEO, chairperson of SICAS.

And witness the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement


H.E.Mr.Ali Bongo Ondimba, president of Gabon and Ms.Zhang Lu, the founder, CEO, chairperson of SICAS

H.E.Mr.Ali Bongo Ondimba, president of Gabon and Ms.Zhang Lu, the founder, CEO, chairperson of SICAS


To discuss and strengthen the exchanges and cooperation in international education, study in china and scientific research field

To discuss and strengthen the exchanges and cooperation in international education, study in china and scientific research field


H.E.Mr.Denis Sassou-Nguesso, president of the Republic of Congo and Ms.Zhang Lu, the founder, CEO, chairperson of SICAS

H.E.Mr.Denis Sassou-Nguesso, president of the Republic of Congo and Ms.Zhang Lu, the founder, CEO, chairperson of SICAS.


H.E.Mr.Roger Rigobert Andely, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Congo and Ms.Zhang Lu, the founder, CEO, chairperson of SICAS

H.E.Mr.Roger Rigobert AndelyMinister of Finance of the Republic of Congo and Ms.Zhang Lu, the founder, CEO, chairperson of SICAS.


Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

H.E.Mr.Angel GurríaSecretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Ms.Zhang Lu, the founder, CEO, chairperson of SICAS.