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  4. Pre-Arrival Information for Shandong University MBBS Freshmen, 2014 Spring Entry

Pre-Arrival Information for Shandong University MBBS Freshmen, 2014 Spring Entry

Views:904 Time:1/27/2014 12:00:00 AM

Dear Students,


This is SICAS -- Study In China Admission System(


We are delighted that you have accepted your offer done by SICAS to study MBBS at Shandong University (SDU). Our pre-registration information is now available for you. This page will provide you with information on pick-up service, what you need to bring to register, tuition payment, accommodation application, registration schedule and contact information.


1. Pick-Up Service & SDU Location

SDU registration will be open from 25th March to 26th March, 2014. Considering that university rooms will not be available until 20th March, 2014, you’re advised to come after 20th March,2014. SICAS will provide pick-up service from Jinan Airport to Shandong University campus between 20th and 21th March, 2014. SICAS contact telephone number of our pick-up service group is available in the chart below. If you have further questions, please contact the SICAS service group. Detailed arrangement is as follows:

You can also take a taxi to our university by your own cost.

Address: No.400 International Student Dorm, West Campus, 44 Wenhua Xi Road, School of Medicine Shandong University, Ji’nan, Shandong 250012, P.R.China



Reminder: students who wish to live outside of the university campus, should go and register in the local police station in your residential area within 24 hours after your arrival in Jinan.


2. Tuition Payment

Tuition Fees: 45,000 RMB/Year

Registration Fee: 400 RMB/Year      

Insurance: 600RMB/Year

Accommodation: varies based on rooms types and costs


3. Accommodation Application


Room reservation must be made before you come to Shandong University. Please fill in the Accommodation Application Form, and then send it back with subject of “To SICAS: Accommodation Application for MBBS, 2014 Spring”. Application will be open from 20, Feb to 15, March. Your preferred room type may not be guaranteed when demand is high, and on-campus accommodation must be subject to our adjustment. Off-campus accommodation is allowed but not advised.


 4. Registration Documents (Strictly Required):

※ Admisssion Notice (Original) and 2 Copies 

  (Important Reminder:Please remember do take the original copy back with you when applying for your entry visa in the Chinese Embassy or Consulate.)

※ JW202 form (Original)

※Passport and copies (Original and copies, including 4 copies of the photo page, 1 copy of the visa page, and 1 copy of the entry seal)

※ Physical Examination Record (Original)

※ 8 Colored Passport-Size Photos

(Important Reminder: Students must register on time. Otherwise, your admission qualification will be cancelled!)


5. Registration Time & Venue


Time: 05:30---11:30, 13:30-16:30   March 25-26, 2014

Place: First Floor, No.8 Building, West Campus, 44 Wenhua Xi Road, School of Medicine Shandong University, Ji’nan, Shandong 250012, P.R.China



Click here to start your application.


Contact us if you are interested in studying in China

Whatsapp: +86-15318861816 


Read also:

MBBS in China Guideline.


Bright Employment Prospects for MBBS Study in China.


Top Ten Universities for Medicine Study in China.


List of Institutions and Scale of  Enrollment for Undergraduate Clinical.