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  4. American Student Andrew`s Experience with SICAS

American Student Andrew`s Experience with SICAS

Views:948 Time:3/8/2014 12:00:00 AM


My name is Andrw and I`m 18 years old and I graduate from high school in June 2014. Currently living in Texas, I was born in Germany. My mother`s family is from Poland and my father` family is from Cuba. 

I `ve always dreamed of leaving Texas, just as my family left Europe. Since childhood, I dreamed of being in China, With strong determination, I aimed for various advanced placement courses and pursued rigorous extracurricular activities as debate and literary criticism. To fund my goal to move to China and go to college there, I got a part time job as a pizza man to pay for it all myself.

My experience so far with SICAS has been tremendous. My advisor, Devin, was extremely helpful in telling me about the process. As well, he was very knowledgeable when I asked him questions about visa and banking in China. He has been pivotal in helping me fulfill my interest in studying in China.

The first day I messaged him, I asked him about certain universities, and then he gave me recommendations that fit my budget and study plan. I then chose Jiangsu University based on various reasons and begin the application. Originally, I had trouble applying abroad before I came across SICAS. I tried applying to various universities in Taiwan, was given no response. SICAS on the other hand is correlated to western standards and resembles the quality format western students can relate to. 

Now, I simply wait on my application to be accepted or denied. But this has by far been the least painful application process I've ever done in the two years I've been researching education oversees.

Andrew  ( photo provided by the author) 

Click here to start your application.


Contact us if you are interested in studying in China

Whatsapp: +86-15318861816 


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