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A Big Kudos to SICAS and Xiexie

Views:701 Time:11/4/2014 12:00:00 AM

Editor’s note:  Monyomi Olofin, Phd Student from Nigeria  at Jiangsu University with Jiangsu University Scholarship

Monyomi Olofin   (Photo provided by herself)

My personal effort in securing admission for a third degree has always been abortive. On the 17th January, 2014 I took a leap of faith to apply on SICAS website. An alert came in by Yoyo via Whatsapp saying she was my advisor and requested for my academic documents,ever since then a very wonderful relationship has evolved between me and Yoyo. 

SICAS assured me with the SICAS Plus Package admission will be secured. The payment was made on 6th June, 2014 , the school I first applied for didn't have a supervisor available for me but SICAS worked around the clock to ensure I got an admission. On the 21th August, 2014 a scanned copy of my admission letter and a scholarship notice was sent to me via email by SICAS for Jiangsu University to resume on the 8th of October, 2014, words can't describe how I felt that day because it has always being my dream to pursue my study in an environment that is conducive for innovative studies and discoveries, that's one top reason I choose to study outside my country for a PhD programm. Later on the Jw202 came through, the hard copies of my admission letter, scholarship notice and Jw202 were sent to me by SICAS Via dhl.

The trip from my country Nigeria to China has been educative, at the airport Ma'am Gu a representative of SICAS came to pick me up, she helped me get a sim(phone digits)  so I could call home and linked me up with Jiangsu University pick up service.

In Jiangsu University I have met beautiful people, tried Chinese food and am really learning how to speak Chinese,within the short period from arrival, its been a wonderful experience. For me, the journey begins, to learn, explore new things China and Jiangsu university has to offer in other to attain more education and insights. As Nelson Mandela said "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world ". 

SICAS staffs have the best of jobs ever why because they make people's dream come true. I say a big kudos to the team and xiexie. 

Monyomi Olofin 

Phd Student at Jiangsu University 

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