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  4. Joy and Warm Everywhere!

Joy and Warm Everywhere!

Views:944 Time:11/27/2015 11:26:21 AM

(Editor's Note: Be familiar with our SICAS Student Care Team Member David? He has served Lion and Lionel (twin brothers from Namibia), and Kudzai from Zimbabwe before. The three SICAS student were all the freshmen of South China University of TechnologyThis time, SICAS Student Care Team Member David will continue to help another SICAS Student - Clansinah, a girl coming from Botswana. Anything distinctive happened? Wait and see! ) 

With the help of SICAS Student Care Team Member David, Clansinah felt happy to spend her first night in her neat and nice room of South University of Technology.  Appointing for the next day, what will Clansinah experience with the assistance of David? 

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