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  4. Good News! Full Scholarship for Excellent Students Is Now Open!

Good News! Full Scholarship for Excellent Students Is Now Open!

Views:794 Time:5/7/2016 7:35:05 PM

Full scholarship is now open for students with poor economic conditions but good grades!

This joint scholarship program is launched by SICAS together with Wenzhou Unioversity intended to guarantee that excellent international students in financial difficulties can have equal chance to study in China. 

Now you only need to pay 50USD SICAS processing fee for applying full scholarship which covers both tuition fee and accommodation fee for four years. 



Tuition fee before scholarship

Tuition fee after scholarship



18,000 RMB/year

0 RMB/year


20,000 RMB/year

0 RMB/year



20,000 RMB/year

0 RMB/year


20,000 RMB/year

0 RMB/year

Why study in Wenzhou University>>

Eligible Candidates:                   

  1.Applicants who are under the following two cicumstances: financial difficulties. 
  B. with outstanding grades

Application Deadline:   July 30, 2016


1. Comply with the requirements for Chinese university application.
2. Non-Chinese citizens in good health. 
3. Abide by all the laws and regulations of China, all the school rules, and respect the societal traditions and customs. 
4. Apply any course through SICAS and decide to use SICAS "Plus Service Package".

Application Procedure:             

1. Apply for any course through SICAS and complete application step 1,2,3. 
2. Decide to use SICAS "Plus Service Package" and fill out the SICAS Financial Aid Application Form. 
3. Sign SICAS "Plus Service Package" Agreement.

Terms and Conditions:    

1. SICAS will make their selection based on the grade sheet and materials submitted by the applicants 
2. The SICAS scholarship assessment team has the power to interpret applicants' grades and materials as they see fit. 
3. Students who violate the laws of China or the rules of their university will forfeit opportunities to apply to SICAS scholarships again. 
4. SICAS has the right to put the scholarship recipients' name, gender, nationality, and application statement on the SICAS scholarship webpage. 
5. Applicants are still eligible for the application of any other scholarships in case they've already been a recipient of a SICAS Financial Aid scholarship. 
6. SICAS reserves the final right of enforcing and explaining the detailed rules of implementation.

Application Materials:    

1. Scholarship Application Form 
2. Proof of financial difficulty issued by applicant' school of graduation, or organizations in which applicant's parents work, or related government department. 
3. Photocopy of the Admission Letter for this University 
4. Photocopy of Valid Passport 
5. A: Certificate of highest education; B: Academic Transcript of highest education 
(The Application Form and templete of financial difficulty proof can be found in Download Center . All materials should be sent to and applicant's SICAS advisor.)


You can easily get all the most useful information for free on our website


SICAS ( Study in China Admission System) Welcomes you all to apply to study in universities in China.

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Whatsapp: + 86-15318861816


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