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  4. A Glimpse of SICAS Smile

A Glimpse of SICAS Smile

Views:575 Time:10/28/2016 12:00:00 AM

When you get to a foreign country, you would probably get nervous because of a fear of culture shock. But smile is a global language that can be understood by everyone around the world and eliminate the language barriers between people from different cultural backgrounds.


Smile indicates hospitality and acceptance. Sensing this acceptance, these international students will become less and less vulnerable and more and more likely to open up their minds to people around them. What SICAS Care team has done truly tell us the power of smile, the kind of smile where you feel like youve made a real connection or youve been perfectly understood without saying anything.

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Contact us if you are interested in studying in China

Whatsapp: +86-15318861816 


Read also:

About SICAS.

Get to Know SICAS.

What SICAS does.

Admission Letter.