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  4. 2017 Scholarshp Programs in China's Hot Universities

2017 Scholarshp Programs in China's Hot Universities

Views:734 Time:12/19/2016 12:00:00 AM

Some of you may have long been dreaming of studying in China but without enough financial support. Now with some of the most popular Chinas universities starting to provide 2017 scholarship programs for international students, a limited budget could no longer be your concern. If you are qualified and aspirational students who want to realize your dream of studying in China, dont miss this opportunity.


Xuzhou Medical University (2017 Autumn Intake)

Bachelor degree in Nursing: 

Scholarship for New Students (for 1st year only)

  • First Class Scholarship: 30000 RMB deduction of tuition fee
  • Second Class Scholarship: 15000 RMB deduction of tuition fee
  • Third Class Scholarship: 10000 RMB deduction of tuition fee

Scholarship for Undergraduate Students (2nd year to 4th year)

  • First Class Scholarship: 30000 RMB deduction of tuition fee each year
  • Second Class Scholarship: 15000 RMB deduction of tuition fee each year
  • Third Class Scholarship: 10000 RMB deduction of tuition fee each year

Master, Successive Master-Doctor & Doctor degree: 

  • The Principal Foundation: 100% tuition fee waiver + 1000 RMB/month living allowance

Jiangsu University (2017 Spring and Autumn Intake)

Bachelor degree in Accounting:

  • 10000 RMB deduction of tuition fee (for 1st year only)

Master degree:

  • 20000 RMB deduction of tuition fee each year

Doctor degree:

  • 100% tuition fee & accommodation fee waiver each year


Jilin Jianzhu University (2017 Autumn Intake)

Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering:

  • First Dlass Scholarship: 100% tuition fee & accommodation fee waiver each year
  • Second Class Scholarship (from 1st to 4th year): 6000 RMB deduction of tuition fee each year
  • Third Class Scholarship (from 2nd to 4th year): 6000 RMB deduction of tuition fee each year


Shandong Jiaotong University (2017 Spring Intake)

Bachelor degree:

  • Full Scholarship: 100% "tuition fee waiver, maximum for 4 years" each year
  • Partial Scholarship (1st to 4th year): 9000 RMB deduction of tuition fees each year
  • Partial Scholarship (2nd to 4th year): 9000 RMB deduction of tuition fees each year

Wenzhou University (2017 Autumn Intake)

Bachelor degree programs:

  • First scholarship (from 1st to 4th year): 100% tuition fee & accommodation fee waiver each year
  • Second scholarship (1st to 4th year):

          Arts:  8000 RMB deduction from the tuition fee each year

          Science: 7000 RMB deduction from the tuition fee each year

  • Third scholarship (2nd to 4th year):

          Arts : 8000 RMB deduction from the tuition fee each year

          Science: 7000 RMB deduction from the tuition fee each year

Master degree programs:

  • First scholarship (from 1st to 4th year): 100% tuition fee & accommodation fee waiver each year
  • Second scholarship (1st to 4th year):

          Arts:  5000 RMB deduction from the tuition fee each year

          Science: 6600 RMB deduction from the tuition fee each year

  • Third scholarship (2nd to 4th year):

          Arts : 5000 RMB deduction from the tuition fee each year

          Science: 6600 RMB deduction from the tuition fee each year

Wenzhou Medical University (2017 Autumn Intake)

Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy:

  • Half scholarship: 50% tuition fee waiver, 10 seats (only 5 seats left)
  • Full scholarship: 100% tuition fee waiver, 2 seats

Master Degree in Pharmacy:

  • Full scholarship: 100% tuition fee waiver every year + living allowance: 1,700RMB/month, 5 seats

Doctor Degree in Pharmacy:

  • Full scholarship: 100% tuition fee waiver every year + living allowance: 2,000RMB/month, 5 seats

Shandong University of Science and Technology (2017 Autumn Intake)

Bachelor degree in Chemistry Engineering & Technology:

  • Full scholarship (for 1st year only): 100% tuition fee waiver 
  • Half scholarship (for 1st year only): 50% tuition fee waiver