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Cultural Difference Should Never Be the Barrier of Friendship

Views:954 Time:11/24/2016 12:00:00 AM

China’s universities have always been very welcoming and inclusive.

Wuhan University is no exception. It is very popular among international students not only because it is one of the most beautiful and top universities in China but also because of its community feel.

The 12th luojia autumn international cultural festival is held on November 19. Overseas students from more than 80 countries showcase the culture of their home country and totally immerse themselves in this cultural feast.

For many students, they may think it’s hard to make themselves understood by people from other countries. However, this time cultural differences is no longer the barrier between them and they feel they’ve made real connections.

Contact us if you are interested in studying in China

Whatsapp: +86-15318861816 


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