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  4. Spring Outing: SICAS Team Went to Bamboo Park

Spring Outing: SICAS Team Went to Bamboo Park

Views:908 Time:5/5/2018 3:37:51 PM

As spring progresses, the weather warms and the green ground cover with colorful flowers that thrives in shade! It is time to peek ahead in the schedule and find a time for an outing. On 5th May, part of SICAS team members went to Bamboo Park (Zhuziyan Park) for spring outing. 

Who are we?

SICAS –Study In China Admission System is the official gateway website for International students to apply for first-rate universities in China. All SICAS staff members are highly-qualified and motivated to offer a whole package of the most efficient, accurate and safe application-related services to help International students directly get admissions into China’s top universities and colleges. 

Who authorizes SICAS?

As a service provider, SICAS has a broad cooperation with China's universities. Until now, SICAS has been authorized by more than 600 universities and colleges and the number is still growing everyday.

What SICAS does?

  • Provide professional advice and support on studying in China for each individual.
  • Update universities' latest information of enrollment and studying in China for international students.
  • Offer the most efficient, accurate and safe online application platform for China's universities to process international students' applications from all over the world.

Contact us if you are interested in studying in China

Whatsapp: +86-15318861816 


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