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  4. Don't Worry! We'll Help You in China- SICAS One for One Package

Don't Worry! We'll Help You in China- SICAS One for One Package

Views:854 Time:7/23/2019 12:00:00 AM

Dear students,

Congratulations your admission package is ready!

The next steps are:

- Apply for student visa in Chinese embassy
- Book ticket to China and register in university on time

Still thinking about how to manage everything after landing ?  In order to help those who are coming for 2019 Fall Session, SICAS will  offer you  help with a  SICAS Care team member , taking care of you right after you landed in China with the following service:

1.  Pre-Departure Training   

2. 24 hours Safe Airport Pick Up Guarantee 

3. Accomodation Arrangement Guarantee

4. Campus Registration Pass Guarantee

5. Medical Check Pass Guarantee

6. Chinese Resident Permit Guatantee 

7. Registration Postpone Service 


 1. Pre-Departure Training 

SICAS offers you Online Pre-departure Training  to train you 

  • How to prepare your luggage and make a travel plan; How to book the safest and fastest airline with the lowest price; How to do the transit abroad and in China;
  • How to reply to the immigration officer and custom officer when you enter China to avoid unnecessary problem;
  • What is the legal procedure when you reach China; And Campus; What must you do immediately.

2. 24 hours Safe Airport Pick Up Guarantee 

SICAS Student Care Team Member  will pick you up at any time, even at mid-night in China, and then send airport pick-up pictures immediately to your parents in your home-country via email or short message on the very minute of your’ safe arrival in China. Most of the time, the drivers are English speakers.


3. Accomodation Arrangement Guarantee

Although dorm on campus of each university is always limited, SICAS will arrange it if you need it.
SICAS will help you “rent an apartment” in a safe district near your campus if you need it.
SICAS also help you to check and sign the Apartment Renting Agreement between you and your Landlord to avoid any renting problems in the future, and make sure all the items will be right within the define of the Law of Chinese Central Government & Local Government, and also the regulation of Universities and Police Station, PR.C. 

4. Campus Registration Pass Guarantee

SICAS Student Care Team Membe will bring you to the regarding offices to do the Registration according to each university’s registration procedure. 
SICAS will also make sure your registration will be accepted by university, and there will not be any troubles. 

5. Medical Check Pass Guarantee    

This is compulsory and requested by China Immigration and Police Station for Resident Permit. SICAS help you do it at the right time to avoid unnecessary penalties. 

6. Chinese Resident Permit Guatantee

SICAS makes sure that each student will complete Police Registration within the time duration defined by the law and also get the legal Resident Permit to study in China every year during their study in China. Both are compulsory for a foreigner’s legal stay in China, and requested by China Immigration and Police Station.

7. Registration Postpone Service

Usually, Chinese universities  require the student to do registration on time. For students who could not arrive on time, SICAS student care team will help you ask for a leave from your university and make sure your campus registration smoothly 


Click here to start your application.


Contact us if you are interested in studying in China

Whatsapp: +86-15318861816 


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