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Hebei Institute of International Business And Economics Officially Opens for Online Application on SICAS

Views:971 Time:11/21/2018 6:46:14 PM


HIIBE’s mission is to provide a high quality education, with a strong emphasis on foreign language instruction, vocational skills, employment and careers. It is a major vocational education provider in Hebei Province. The college is dedicated to improving the quality of life of the people of Hebei Province, the Bohai Sea Economic Zone and the nation at large, driving economic and social progress and serving nation through highly professionally related programs and research.


HIIBE value our distinctive characteristics as being:

  • Educational. Our  institute has a history of more than 100 years of being a teacher’s school. To train educators who will educate people and disseminate knowledge is what HIIBE are good at and what HIIBE will cherish and continue to build on.
  • Vocational. A HIIBE’s education prepares students for vocation.
  • International. HIIBE believe that a diverse academic environment is essential to enrich intellectual exchanges and to enhance cultural understanding. HIIBE will strive to define a range of innovative international educational experiences for students so that graduates can participate fully in a global society.


HIIBE vision is to excel in everything HIIBE do, to be among the top  institute in Hebei Province, and finally become Hebei University of International Studies.


HIIBE’s strengths can be described as follows:

  •  Location. HIIBE is located at Nandaihe, a famous sightseeing location adjacent to Beidaihe, the world renowned summer resort. The idealistic climate and gorgeous views are quite an attraction to students from all over China.
  • Good match between HIIBE’s main discipline areas and market demand. HIIBE is well-connected with businesses and the professions, notably in the education, tourism, hotel, and aviation areas. The  institute has demonstrated an ability to be market-focused and to attract sufficient numbers of well-qualified students. Over recent years, HIIBE have developed a discipline mix which matches areas of high growing demand.
  • Being distinctive and focused. HIIBE is, and will continue to be, a very focused  institute . It is highly focused on professionally and internationally related subjects. HIIBE believe our focus on applied learning relevant to the professions and international affairs, with a passionate commitment to quality, is a strength HIIBE will cherish and build on. HIIBE will continue to work closely with employers, industries and businesses to provide applied learning that meets their future needs.

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SICAS ( Study in China Admission System) Welcomes you all to apply to study in universities in China.

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Hebei Institute of International Business And Economics


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