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  4. Special Notice for Incorrect Information Published about Liaocheng University

Special Notice for Incorrect Information Published about Liaocheng University

Views:734 Time:12/6/2018 3:17:30 PM

Recently, Study In China Admission System (hereinafter referred to as SICAS or we) has been continuously receiving complaint calls from students. We found that some overseas education agencies fraudulent use of the name of SICAS to make false and misleading advertising about Liaocheng University (LCU). We hereby as the exclusive and sole partner of LCU to help enroll students worldwide declare that all the admission information not published in our Website or Wechat Official Account are false propaganda.

For any unit or individual that receives counterfeit, false or exaggerated publicity involving Liaocheng University may report to us for verification.

SICAS holds accountable by law for those fraudulent use of the name of us to make false and misleading advertising.


Whatsapp/Tel.: +86 15318861816

SICAS (Study in China Admission System)

Misleading Information(Published by unthorized agency)

Correction Notice

1. SICAS Plus Service

SICAS Plus Service has nothing to do with full scholarship. Scholarship is granted by university according to student's high school transcript, age and other factors. Including a serial of service from admission to after landing in China, SICAS Plus Service will secure your application and guard you journey.

SICAS Plus Service:

Admission & JW202 Guarantee

Admission Speed-up

Visa Application Preparation

Pre-departure Training

Accommodation arrangement

Airport Pick-up

Registration on Campus

Police Registration & Resident Permit  

Medical Check in China  

Insurance in China  

New Students Orientation Week

2. Full Scholarship in Liaocheng University

Cover 100% tuition fee and accommodation start from first year. Your academic and overall performance will be assessed annually. In the following years, your scholarship will be offered based on the assessment result of your performance in the preceding year.

3. Location of Liaocheng University

Liaocheng University, a provincial comprehensive university, is located in Liaocheng City, Shandong Province, which is a famous national historical and cultural city known as “Water City North of the Yangtze River.”

4. SICAS and Liaocheng University

SICAS is authorized by Liaocheng University as the exclusive and sole partner to assist worldwide international stduents in getting admissison and scholarship.