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  4. Goods news! China Shorten quarantine requirements for international arrivals from 7+3 to 5+3 days.

Goods news! China Shorten quarantine requirements for international arrivals from 7+3 to 5+3 days.

Views:756 Time:11/19/2022 12:00:00 AM

Good news ! China Adjusts COVID19 Measures for Inbound Travelers :  

--Circuit  breaker measures for inbound flights cancelled

--Pre-departure COVID test requirement cut from twice within 48 hours to once.

--Shorten quarantine requirements for international arrivals from 7+3 to 5+3  days.

Foreign students from Shanghai International Studies University who have just arrived in China share their true feelings during Entry quarantine or health observation,

We hope these shares can give you encouragement when you are going back to China!

孙彰敏, 韩国(Student from South Korea)

大家好!我是孙彰敏,是韩国人。我是9月19号晚上7点坐飞机到上海的。9点半到上海后,我们下了飞机, 做了核酸检测。检测后我跟和我一个航班的人一起坐大巴去了隔离酒店。到了隔离酒店, 我们又做了核酸检测,检测后一个一个被分配到酒店的房间。我们需要在这里隔离10天。


关于一日三餐,想要订餐的人是一天450元, 不想订餐的人一天350元。我申请订饭, 一天450元, 十天是4500元。早饭上有鸡蛋面包和水果, 中午和晚上有中式便当。

隔离期间, 每隔两天早上6点左右进行一次核酸检测。10日隔离完毕后,随申办里的随申码会变成绿色,你才能从酒店出来。最好是至少提前2天申请随申办。



温馨提示:隔离期间可能会有食物吃不惯的同学。如果你不想吃酒店的饭菜, 你得提前多准备点食物,因为隔离期间食物不合口味的话会很辛苦。


hello everyone! I'm CHANGMIN SON, Korean. I flew to Shanghai at 7 pm on September 19. 

After arriving in Shanghai at 9:30, we got off the plane and did nucleic acid testing. After the test, I went to the quarantine hotel by bus with a person from my flight. When we arrived at the isolation hotel, we did nucleic acid testing again, and after testing, we were assigned to the hotel rooms one by one. We need to be isolated here for 10 days.

For three meals a day, those who want to order meals are 450 yuan a day, while those who do not want to order meals are 350 yuan a day. I applied for a meal reservation, 450 yuan a day, 4500 yuan for ten days. There are egg bread and fruit for breakfast, and Chinese bento for lunch and evening.

During the isolation period, nucleic acid testing was conducted every two days at about 6:00 a.m. After the isolation on the 10th, the Suishen Code in the Suishen Office will turn green, and you can get out of the hotel. It is better to apply at least 2 days in advance.

When I got out of the hotel, I got my Chinese mobile number and went to Shangwaiying Hotel.

Warm prompt: During the period of isolation, there may be students who can't get used to food. If you don't want to eat the food in the hotel, you should prepare more food in advance, because it will be very hard if the food is not palatable during isolation.

That's all for my sharing. Please pay attention to your safety on your way to China.

SICAS ( Study in China Admission System) Welcomes you all to apply to study in universities in China.

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