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  4. A Grateful Letter from Student' Father

A Grateful Letter from Student' Father

Views:606 Time:6/24/2014 3:30:15 PM

Editor's Note: Mathius Okwi is a student from Uganda. Now he is studying in Liaoning University of Technology.

The following is the grateful letter from Mathius Okwi's father.

Dear Devin,

My son Mathius Okwi  came to Liaoning University of Technology in China about three months ago and I am very happy to report that he is very fine.No one recommended SICAS to me but I have not had any regrets as SICAS did all what they promised on their website to do.I will not therefore hesitate to recommend SICAS to any one for assistance to study in China.

Long live SICAS.

John Okwi

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