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How to use Taobao--Step-by-Step Tutorial

Views:796 Time:10/22/2018 12:08:15 PM

1. Go to taobao website

2. Register a new account

Translate the page to English. Web page may look a little funny but that’s fine.

Click on ‘register free’ on the top left.

You should come to here. Click ‘Consent agreement’ (to agree to the terms & conditions).

The registration process from here onwards is pretty straightforward.

Just follow the instructions and proceed as follows:

– Input your mobile number and drag the slider to the right
– Key in the verification code that is sent to your mobile via sms
– Set your username and login password

And your account is set up.

Next, click on 我的淘宝 (I Taobao) on top and click on 我的收货地址 (My shipping address) to come to this page:

Select 海外其他 (Overseas/Others) from the 所有地区 (Region) drop-down menu and input your address and contact number. Once done, click 保存 (Save).

You can now start shopping!

3. Searching for an item

Go back to the Taobao homepage.

If you know what the item you want is called in Chinese, use your existing Chinese input editor and type in the Chinese characters in the search box on Taobao homepage.

Otherwise, open a new tab on your browser.Type in the Google searchbox ‘translate english to chinese’ to get this online translation tool.

Next, just cut and paste the Chinese characters into the search box on Taobao homepage to see what are all the available flour sifters for sale.

4. Research

Researching is probably one of the most important aspects while shopping on Taobao as there can be hundreds or even thousands of different shops/sellers that sell the same product.

Under every product image, you will see the price (in RMB) on the left in orange colour and the number of people who have ordered/paid for the product on the right.

5. Adding an item to cart

6. Checkout/Payment

When you’re done adding items to your cart, click on 购物车 with a shopping cart icon at the top of the page.

On your shopping cart, make sure all your products are checked in the box.

On the bottom grey bar, you will see the number of items selected as well as the total amount payable (excluding domestic/overseas shipping).

Click on 结算 on the bottom right.

7. Selecting a shipping option

You will come to this page.

Check that your address and contact number are correct and make sure the checkbox under 淘宝集运 (consolidated shipping) is checked. It just means all your orders will be sent to the warehouse of your selected freight forwarder (which you will choose later on) and it will consolidate all your parcels and re-direct/deliver them in one shipment to you.

Scroll to the bottom and click on 提交订单 to submit your order.

8. Selecting a freight forwarder


On the next page, you can select your freight forwarder.

Once selected, click 确定 at the bottom to confirm.

9. Payment


You will be asked to create an Alipay account which is Taobao’s e-wallet similar to Paypal.

Do that and you will come to the payment page as follows:

Fill in your credit card details and click CONFIRM at the bottom.

10. Receiving your goods

All the parcels will be packed in a big sack bag like this.

Open the sack bag and unwrap your parcels. Remember to check the condition of every item and also make sure your order is accurate. Otherwise, you should contact seller immediately to have the problem rectified asap. Taobao auto-releases money to sellers within 10 days (can be extended by another 3 days) and if you don’t take action in time, it will be too late to request for any refund thereafter.

Should you need to contact seller, you may do so via Aliwangwang which is Taobao’s chat/messege program.

Click here to start your application.


Contact us if you are interested in studying in China

Whatsapp: +86-15318861816 


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