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With SICAS Our Dream to Study in China Become Real

Views:907 Time:8/4/2015 2:16:40 PM

(Editor's note: Fofana Mohamed, got admission of Beihang University, with the help of SICAS, his dream has came true. The following is his experience with SICAS. )

Hi! I am Fofana Mohamed from Mali.

I have been wondering for long time , how will I be admitted by a Chinese university while i was still preparing my TOEFL. After many research without success , I finally met SICAS' official website. Without wasting time , I took contact SICAS' CEO who direct me to one of their best agents (Zaney) . He regarded me as his own brother with many advices . Apart from that he respected all my choices . My favourite city was Beijing . After being agreed about SICAS' plus service which include many advantages. They tracked my admission . I have been admitted by one of the top ranking universities in China (Beihang university).The agency has sent me a package in which were the admission notice and the JW202 visa form  from the university.  Everything becomes real now, I will go in Beijing in the coming September to study Mechanical Engineering at Beihang university .

Once again me and my family are really thankful for all the efforts you have done for me. I'm really happy of getting my admission at one of the most prestigious university in China.  And I totally recommend SICAS to any student who is planning to study in China . 

With SICAS our dream to study in China become real.

Cheers !!! 

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Contact us if you are interested in studying in China

Whatsapp: +86-15318861816 


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