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  4. 21st Century Will be the World of Software Eng. I'm Ready to Be on the Top.

21st Century Will be the World of Software Eng. I'm Ready to Be on the Top.

Views:507 Time:8/19/2015 4:22:29 PM

(Editor Note: Isaac Foday has succeeded in getting the Admission Letter of School of Software Engineering Central South University with the help of SICAS Advisor - Mr. Zaney. 

He will study Software Engineering for his Master Degree. Congratulations! )


My Name Isaac Foday, I am writing to acknowledge the receipt of the admission notice sent that I received on 7th August 2015 to pursue a Master’s Degree at the school of Software Engineering Central South University. I was delighted to receiving my Package from DHL. Honestly receiving this package was like a dream come through, to have got this opportunity to further develop my educational career.

After completing my Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science at the Department of Physics and Computer Sciences, School of Technology Njala University Sierra Leone West Africa, I have always being looking for an opportunity to study Software Engineering particularly in P.R China due to the vast improvement and growth in the software development industries in P.R China.

Thanks to my SICAS Advisor -  Mr Zaney Wheaon & the School of Software Engineering, the Central South University:

I want to take this as an opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the Study In China System team (SICAS) to have extended this opportunity to me, to help me achieve my goal of studying in P.R China. I also want to extend a very special thanks and appreciations to Mr Zaney Wheaon my personal Advisor, that has being my point of reference in every aspect of my application process, without this man my application process to this point would have not been so successful.  Mr Zaney Wheaon has being so helpful, supportive and had great patient with me throughout this process up to this point and he is still been helpful and supportive. Again I say thanks to you sir may the Lord richly reward you for your kind courage.

Finally I also want to express my sincere gratitude to the School of Software Engineering, the Central South University for having offered me an admission notice to pursue Master’s Degree in 21st century Software Engineering. 

My Future Plan:

With a strong desire and ambition of returning to Sierra Leone after completing this program, the knowledge acquired from both the class room and Internship experience will be applied in software development and teaching in other schools with the hope of establishing a good partnership between SICAS, Central South University particularly the School of Software Engineering  and my native University in my country in terms of research, education and other development issues that will help improve my country and the Africa Continent as a whole. Additionally this knowledge and experience will also be used in the development of my own company (called “the himpfig cybernetic cooperation”).

Once more I say thanks to all that have contributed to make this application process successful to this point, as I hope to meet with the entire Teams soonest.

Warmest Regards to All

Isaac Foday.

Click here to start your application.


Contact us if you are interested in studying in China

Whatsapp: +86-15318861816 


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