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Thanksgiving is Coming!

Views:649 Time:11/21/2018 2:42:31 PM

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and we’re facing the prospect of a huge holiday meal and a happy family gather together. Here is a handy guide to Thanksgiving Day.

Significance of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving (also known as Thanksgiving Day) is an important federal holiday, celebrated annually on the fourth Thursday of November for the food collected at the end of the harvest season. Now we use thanksgiving as a time to give thanks for everything in our lives and to reflect back upon the previous year. It also is the kick off of Black Friday shopping and the beginning of the Christmas season.

History of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day can be traced back to the 1621 celebration at the Plymouth, where the religious refugees from England known popularly as the Pilgrims.

The pilgrims arrived at Plymouth, Massachusetts and had a feast that lasted 3 days. There were a lot of Native Americans and Pilgrims who ate together. They were just thankful to be alive and have something to eat after surviving the voyage from England!

Traditions of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with the customary 'feast' shared among friends and family. It is an important family gathering, and people often travel far distances to be with family members for the celebration. The traditional Turkey is the most important dish cooked in every house as part of the feast. Pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce and corn dishes also form a part of the family dinner. American football and parade is a yearly feature to mark the celebration of thanksgiving.

Fun Facts About Thanksgiving

1. No turkey on the first ever thanksgiving

2. It took 200 years for thanksgiving to be an official holiday.

3. People didn't use forks on the first thanksgiving dinner

4. Every year, the president of the US will pardon a turkey from the fate of being eaten.

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