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[Courese Introduction] Introducation of Master of Resource and Environment

Views:764 Time:9/5/2024 12:00:00 AM

01项目简介Program introduction


Specializing in environmental science, the program blends rigorous theory with hands-on case study learning, and focuses on developing strong project management skills while tackling real-world issues. 

Students are welcome to join the program to explore green tech for monitoring (water, air, waste, soil) and resource recycling & protection.

02主干课程 Major Courses

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, Advanced Environmental Chemistry,Environmental Microbiology & Biotechnology, Wastewater Treatment: Principles and Technology, Atmospheric Science & Climate Change, Solid Waste Disposal and Management, Environmental Soil Sciences, Biomass Chemical Engineering & Material

03 专业优势/特色Program Advantages/ Features

资源与环境硕士学位课程主要采用全英文教学,吸引全球各地的优秀学子。本专业以“生物质基功能炭材料研制与应用”“厌氧发酵与三沼综合利用”“纤维基功能材料”“绿色造纸与节能减碳”为特色,拥有“浙江省废弃生物质循环利用与生态处理技术重点实验室” “农林废弃生物质资源化利用浙江省工程实验室”两大省重点实验室,20多个实验基地,为学生提供优质的科研平台,旨在培养学生的独立科研能力,使其能够从事科学研究或独立承担专业技术管理工作。同时,本专业与比利时、德国、日本、美国等高校开展多项国际合作项目,致力于培养具备扎实学术基础和科研技能的创新国际人才,为学生进一步深造提供机会。
Resources and Environmental Engineering is an English-taught Master program include:Research on biomass-derived functional carbon materialsAnaerobic fermentation for bioenergy and waste managementDevelopment of fiber-based advanced materialsGreen paper production and carbon footprint reductionWe boast two top provincial labs and over 20 experimental sites in Zhejiang Province, providing excellent research facilities. We have collaborations with universities in Belgium, Germany, Japan, the U.S., and others. These enhance students' academic and research skills, preparing them to be innovative global experts with opportunities for further study. 

04发展前景 Development Prospect
Master's degree graduates can engage in teaching work, as well as in research and design activities at higher education institutions, scientific design institutes, and corporate entities, where they may also take part in technical management.

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